17 September 2008

First Slumber Party

Elisan had her first slumber party. It was for her friend Taylor's 8th birthday party. Elisan had a blast. I was able to attend the slumber party because Taylor's mom, DeAnna, asked me to help. I was glad I did. It was awesome being able to witness her first sleepover!

The cutest moment of them all, was her wandering into the kitchen a little after midnight. She looked for the clock and saw that it was 12:06 a.m. I told her, "Elle, it's officially Saturday morning. If you want to go to sleep now, you can." And moments later, she was fast asleep!
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1 comment:

Charlie said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Brings back memories - Mie was always the one keeping everyone awake because she chatted all night.