16 December 2005

The hostesses... Erica, Kyla and Elisan. Posted by Picasa

All the playgroup kids who were at today's Christmas Playgroup Party! Posted by Picasa

Our playgroup friends, Cyndi, Suzie and Joey (and one on the way...) Posted by Picasa

Our playgroup friends Diane and Nicole. Posted by Picasa

Our playgroup friends, Charity, Sage and Drake Posted by Picasa

THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM! Elisan is on the back row about 5 from the (R) end. Yes, she is so short, that you can barely see her. Why was she on the back row you ask? Because she is four, and I guess it is assumed that four year olds are taller than the three year olds. Posted by Picasa

Here are the kids eating lunch!  Posted by Picasa

Elisan's Classmates: (top) Nate, Madison, Gwyneth, Malena; (bottom) Dakota, Elisan and Jacklyn - who could literally pass for Elsan's twin! Posted by Picasa