07 November 2006

Field Trip to the Little Buckaroo Ranch in Hamilton Pool. Posted by Picasa

Petting the rooster. Posted by Picasa

Elisan was a good helper for her little sister. Posted by Picasa

At the Petty-Goat junction. :) Posted by Picasa

Checking out the miniature horse! Posted by Picasa

This one is cute too! Posted by Picasa

This will be an 8x10 in our home! So sweet! Posted by Picasa

Trying to get a good view! Posted by Picasa

Watching the miniature horse jumping and running. Posted by Picasa

"Disguise your turkey" project for Thanksgiving. Elisan decided she wanted her turkey to be an Aggie football player. What's that say about Aggies? That they're turkeys? Posted by Picasa

Kyla Mae using her new stool to help her wash her hands Posted by Picasa