25 September 2006

Napping in the closet.Not sure what's up with this, but she's been doing this for the last week. Posted by Picasa

22 September 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy! Posted by Picasa

Daddy's Two Best Girls! Posted by Picasa

Daddy loved his presents! Posted by Picasa

Yum! Cake! Posted by Picasa

Daddy blew out his candle so fast, that I wasn't able to get a picture! Posted by Picasa

Yum! Cake! Posted by Picasa

21 September 2006

Happy Birthday, Hun!

Today is Randy's birthday! Whooohoooo, he's finally my age! At least for the next 2.5 months, that is...until I have another birthday and turn the big 34! Ack!

But, hey, it's not about me today... It's about Randy. And so, here goes...

Happy birthday hun! I love you so much. And even though you assault my nasal senses daily, you still are the best husband ever and here's why:

I love how you are an awesome daddy.

I love how are a hard worker.

I love how you provide for us beyond our needs.

I love that you are very generous, not only to your family, but to others as well.

I love that you don't mind it too much, when I tell you... "Maybe you should ask my dad how to do it."

I love how you can fix anything and by that... I mean ANYTHING.

I love how you save everything little nail, screw, washer and random part just because you may need it one day.

I love how you are just like your Paw Paw, because he is someone I love and respect.

I love how honest you are.

I love the integrity that you show.

I love how you are an awesome Christian man.

I love that fact that you can make up your own lyrics to virtually any song!

I love how you make me laugh so hard sometimes that I almost pee in my pants.

I love that you still find me HOT!

I love that I'm constantly having to swat your hands from grabbing my booty.

I love how you love the girls. They think the world of you.

I love how you love me.

I love how we just fit together, forever.

Happy Birthday, Randy.

20 September 2006

All set to ride her bike! Posted by Picasa

Late afternoon stroll and bike ride to get the mail. Posted by Picasa

KM loves dogs! Well...the nice dogs who don't bark! Posted by Picasa

Petting sweet Oreo. Posted by Picasa

18 September 2006

 Posted by Picasa

KM far surpasses Elisan in the helper department! Posted by Picasa

16 September 2006

Our new dishwasher! Our old dishwasher went ka-put on us!  Posted by Picasa

Out with the old! Posted by Picasa

The girls and Randy are playing ball chase. They run through the hall and Randy tags them with the ball. The love it!

Here, Elisan's running and swinging. Posted by Picasa

Running and swinging! Posted by Picasa

KM's tempting ball chase fate! Posted by Picasa

Elisan's running through! KM's peeking to see where the ball is! Posted by Picasa

08 September 2006

KM is tending to the herbs. Posted by Picasa

My beautiful basil! If you have never used fresh basil in your cooking, I highly recommend it. There is no comparison to the flavor of this herb! Posted by Picasa

06 September 2006

Making Dinner!


Too bad Elisan doesn't like pizza!
 Posted by Picasa

04 September 2006

Our church had an awesome Labor Day Party last night. (It was originally set for the 4th of July, but it was rained out!) There were about ten bounce houses, bungee cord jumping, rock climbing walls and games for the kids. There was also lots of food and music. The finale was a HUGE fireworks show that was the best I've ever seen!

BUT... Kyla's favorite activity? Playing in the dirt! Posted by Picasa

Elisan getting "down" with the music! Posted by Picasa

03 September 2006

Twirling around in her petticoat after church! Posted by Picasa