07 October 2005

Kyla Mae's Birthday Cake! Posted by Picasa

Mommy lighting the candles Posted by Picasa

Singing Happy Birthday to KM Posted by Picasa

Erica and her two best girls! Posted by Picasa

KM loves Elmo! Posted by Picasa

Wow! What's this? Posted by Picasa

Here's Erica and Kyla Mae posing for a quick picture! Posted by Picasa

Kim and Nick having a good time! Posted by Picasa

Abbi is such a cutie! Posted by Picasa

Nicole and Suzie showing their beautiful smiles! Posted by Picasa

Maria serving up some lunch! Posted by Picasa

Cyndi, Diane and Kim chatting about how good Erica's food is! :) Posted by Picasa

Yummy Food! Here's Elisan, Alex, Nicolas and Nick eating lunch! Posted by Picasa

Amanda and Caroline joined the fun! Thanks for coming! KM loves the doll! Posted by Picasa