30 August 2006

I found Elisan sacked out on the couch after a long day at school! Posted by Picasa

27 August 2006

Goodbye BMW! Posted by Picasa

Hello, Mini Van! Posted by Picasa

Such a big helper! Posted by Picasa

25 August 2006

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, "Don't put your shoes on the furniture!" Posted by Picasa

Here's my baby asleep on her bed! This is her naptime position. I don't know why but she loves to sleep like this. Posted by Picasa

She was so tired, that neither Elisan or I could wake her up! Posted by Picasa

22 August 2006

Cheap Banners!

As you can see...I've changed my banner again! But, it's lots of fun and it keeps my creative juices flowin'!

So, if you are poking around my site and you think, "Gee, I want a new banner too!" let me know, because I'm doing them for FREE! That's right folks, free! So, if you have a Google Blogspot blog, I'm all yours, baby!

Check out my other work in Sweet Caroline, Babes in Sugar Land, The Pink Kitchen , Angie and Allen and of course, Two Best Girls.

21 August 2006

Elisan couldn't wait to peel off that bland school uniform and put on some PIZAZZ and BLING! Posted by Picasa

KM finds ways to have fun while sissy is in school. Posted by Picasa

Diaper Trail... I'm still not sure what KM is doing with all of the diapers... Posted by Picasa

20 August 2006

Yeah... I'm not sure what she's doing here... Posted by Picasa

16 August 2006

First Day of School! Elisan is eating breakfast before her big day. (My camera decided to run out of batteries, so I wasn't able to get a more traditional first day of school photo!) Posted by Picasa

15 August 2006

In Loving Memory

Gladys "Nan-G" Mitchell Wagner
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13 August 2006

Happy Birthday Elisan! Posted by Picasa

Opening presents! Posted by Picasa

Make a wish! Posted by Picasa

Yummy cake! Posted by Picasa

The little ones keeping cool by the ice chest! Posted by Picasa

Elisan showing everyone how it's done! Posted by Picasa

Craft time! Posted by Picasa

Athlete in training! Posted by Picasa

What form! Posted by Picasa

All of the party guests! Posted by Picasa

The Birthday Girl! Posted by Picasa

Eating some yummy food! Posted by Picasa